
of the article of B. V. Borissenko
“The world in anticipation of change...”
In the article “The world in anticipation of change…” a possible favorable way out of the current situation is shown on the basis of analysis of reasons of the contemporary global systemic crisis of the humanity and the collapse of the former world order.
The actualization of this way out can be achieved by organizing and forming a state structure that would strive for the highest possible adaptation of public relations and state institutions to the nature of people and be focused on achieving the highest level of social justice possible for the current stage of spiritual evolution of humankind at the state level for the first time in history. This can be achieved only on the basis of a new economic paradigm and an ethical teaching that would meet the requirements for the preservation of not only the human race, but also the planet itself.
This form of political system was named the socialitary system because the working people in it form an extremely broad basis of the elite of the society that would consist of mutually complementing social groups of the country's population: capital owners and hired workers, scientists and military, teachers and doctors, composers and sportsmen, clergy and philosophers, etc.
In this work the fundamental principles are provided, on the basis of which the socialitary state should be formed, of which the main one is to create fundamental conditions for the appearance and development of the type of human thinking that would not be opposed to the nature, but adapted to it.
It has happened not today, when all and sundry speak about collapse of the former world order. And not yesterday...
And not even in August 2012, when it became apparent that the world is about to give birth to new regulatory principles and we are just outside observers of the spontaneously emerging ominous future.
The presentiment of this, at that time futurological, event appeared in the period of fundamental formalization of the foundation of the Soviet practice regarding the unprecedented attempt to create a more fair social order on the Earth. For me it was 1984. The creative energy of previous Soviet generations had dissipated completely somewhere around the end of the sixties of the last century. That was the time when we lost our great country - the USSR. Then everything went downhill thoughtlessly, out of habit, emasculated, clichéd and stereotyped – until only the disappointment remained... The enthusiasm of the Soviet people had faded, the life force of the emerging new, unknown to the human history and unheard of in daring and scale, social order had run low and disappeared.
Along with the collapse of our country collapsed the dream of humanity to establish fairer relationships between people. We are now lingering in the ruins of this great dream, consuming the depersonalizing unified ersatz product of the philosophically degenerate Anglo-Saxon model of democracy with all its contemporary unnatural paraphernalia. The western type of thinking, unfortunately, ignores one of the main principles of simplicity that was born in its own depths, more precisely - the Occam's principle - not to multiply entities unnecessarily. The consequences of actions of the obsessed democrats of the new generation are grievous for our world. Because of that we are currently in the active waiting for a better and, of course, as it seems to us, a fairer world.
All the thinking people rushed to different sources – some to the prophecies of Nostradamus, some to the fundamental work of K. Marx “Capital” – to find the answers to the current and future problems and issues of our civilization. And the Universe, as it happened in our history, speaks with us through its representatives in humanity, previously called prophets, now called foretellers, and more precisely – messengers (Vanga and E. Cayce are their prominent representatives), trying to convey to us the essence of the happening changes in nature, to warn us about them.
And here is the first casus: religious leaders proclaim most of them “accomplices of the dark forces”. Religions, as at all times, scatter wide snares of their dogmas, trying to enslave new followers in mindless worship, catching their souls on the hook of human pleasures, desires and dreams, or fear of the Almighty. The struggle for souls, for the life force of people continues and that's why orthodox religious leaders of different faiths mercilessly defame outstanding people of the past and present.
In fact, the path that almost all thinkers, including messengers, have talked about is the following one: it is not to follow ignorant interpreters of ancient knowledge formulated in the form of religious dogmas but move along the path illuminated by diverse knowledge, including first and foremost the scientific knowledge.
Because of this reason everyone understands that something that was and is is not something we need but no one knows where we should move and how to achieve that. This is what they say: everyone knows about the necessity to change everything but only the God knows how. He (of course, not in an anthropomorphic sense) definitely knows, there is no doubt. As always, he tries to convey his current knowledge to the humanity through his proclaimers, as I've said. It can be anyone, so you need to listen to everyone and someone will let it slip. And then choose if you like them, taking the entire history of humankind in all its detail into account.
Now, the actual statement of the problem, that is, what are the initial data and what we want. Everything, in general, is as usual and uncomplicated, with only one addition.
We will search for the solution not in the temples of various philosophical conceptual speculations and all the more not within the framework of religious dogmas but in the sphere of earthly scientific knowledge.
I will preliminarily discuss the meaning of the basic concepts that will be used hereinafter, so that we could think and ponder in search of an answer to the problem in one coordinate system.
The law of bipolarity – on any level of organization of matter the process of appearance and structuring of its objects (material, field or energine structures [the physical vacuum]) is triplet (ternary, tripartite, triune). The conjunction of qualitatively different states of an object takes place in special points of attraction (attractors) and the distance between them depends only on the dimensional metrics. The influence of the object (or its part) does not extend beyond the boundaries of the qualitatively different states of the object with those of another object. The law ensures the stitching and combination of all the material levels into one single whole – the Universe.
The interval of invariance of qualitative state of an object – inside this interval no change of quantitative parameters of the object affects its qualitative state (the qualitative properties of the object do not change).
Capital owner – a person who possesses a capital. “The desire to accumulate treasure has no end by its nature. ... he (“the capitalist” as the creator of treasures, surplus assets that exceed the volume of resources that are necessary for his own consumption – B. B.) can extract from circulation in the form of money only what he gives to circulation in the form of goods. The more he produces, the more he can sell. Hard work, thrift and skimpiness are, therefore, his main virtues; sell much, buy little – this is his whole political economy.” This formulation of K. Marx clearly reflects the essence of entrepreneurs – we can't say that he is a sluggard, who lives by appropriation of the results of the labor of many, but we also can't say that he is not a slave to his own passion for profit that pleases his spirit and flesh. This leads to a conclusion that is unexpected for Marxism: a capital owner is a worker! This makes it possible to move from an imposed and largely contrived expression of the so-called social partnership, like the Hobbes social contract, to a real model of social cooperation based on the fact that all people who contribute to the creation (generation, development) of socially useful products are workers, regardless of their type of activity and status. In this case the Marxist antagonism between “capitalists and workers”, that has its roots in the Hegelian philosophy, is removed and the emphasis is shifted from confrontation to natural interaction in business that nourishes all the people that are employed or involved in its operation. The other question is to what extent this natural interaction can be mutually beneficial... Until now, and since the beginning of time, only the high status person or the capitalist benefited and benefits from using the non-economic and economic forms of compulsion, which is undoubtedly quite unfair.
Worker – a person, who is involved in a socially useful work for the production of goods, works or services.
Added value. The essence of this notion is very clearly and unequivocally formulated by K. Marx. “Any added value, whatever special form it could be crystallized in, be it profit, interest, rent and the like, is by its very essence a materialization of unpaid work time. The mystery of self-expansion of capital boils down to the fact that the capital has a certain amount of unpaid labor.”
Exchange (in the economic sphere) – an objective process that calibrates products by their consumer properties and determines which one of them satisfies someone's needs and which one doesn't.
Exchange of goods – an objective process that calibrates products by the property of their equivalence. Only products that have relevant consumer properties are interacted with and exchanged for each other on the market in a particular ratio (proportion).
Exploitation as an economic form of compulsion (henceforth – exploitation) – nonequivalent exchange of goods.
Justice – the process of balancing the interests of individuals or their groups on the basis of the fundamental law of spatial structuring and distribution of the matter of evolving nature. This law has the name of the law of bipolarity. In this case, it necessary to know that social justice as a balance of interests in a society will always have an objective limitation of fundamental nature that is expressed in the maximum level of its implementation that corresponds to the current level of spiritual evolution of humankind. That is, it turns out that to do justice at your own risk or as you please, based on your views or currently accepted moral attitudes in the society, is a path to further injustice that our world is immersed in to the ears since its very beginning. Everyone still understands “justice” in its own way, producing and multiplying injustice through misunderstanding, humiliation, oppression, destruction, deception, fraud, theft, robbery and violence... with no end. It is obvious that the way leads nowhere and, more precisely, into nothingness, where the humanity rushes so rapidly, having accelerated over the past couple of centuries on the back of scientific and technical progress.
We obviously can't turn the time around and change everything and thus we can't choose a new, safer way of our development. But we can oppose the process of degeneration and self-destruction of humanity. Without doubt.
In my opinion, only the scientific form of cognition gives us effective instruments to solve the problems created by a huge number of people over the entire history of our existence. The scientific approach allows us to solve, among other things, the problems of the recent history that originate from the results of scientific achievements but were created by people far from science, who are always restricted by the narrow frames of their own political interests and the interests of the ruling elite in all countries of the world.
It is obvious that we need to overcome the mentioned limits of preferences of modern humans. But how can we accomplish what was said above while not ignoring them but accepting them as they are literally in everything?
In the 19th century, having created the theory of added value that completed the development of the labor theory of value, K. Marx came to a conclusion about the need to redistribute the ownership of the means of production in favor of those who worked with them, without taking the human nature in the account during the analysis of the capitalistic method of production.
In the 20th century, this same human nature heart-rendingly reminded of itself in the USSR, returning the country into the bosom of the common development of mankind and confirming in practice the Marxist saying of the ideological inspirer of the Soviet state that it is impossible to jump over the natural stages of development of civilization.
From here comes the first clue of how we should proceed. We just need to find out what are the specifics of the current natural historical stage of evolution of humanity.
Due to the fact that it wasn't possible to get an intelligible answer within the borders of different economic teachings, different historical versions of the past and present, as well as religious and philosophical systems, it was necessary to go further and develop the theory of spiritual evolution of humankind on the base of a huge layer of scientific information. One of its conclusions is that the personal interests of people dominate their interactions with their own kind and the nature on the stage of planetary evolution that is called “somosphere” (the lowest stage of the common development of humanity and the Earth). You can find a more detailed answer in the work “Do we have a future?”.
The second fundamental factor in any theoretical constructions regarding the considered question, as it turned out, was always in sight of thinkers but was either disregarded completely, as in the theory of Marxism, or endlessly overestimated and deified (theosophical views). It turned out that we advanced not that far in identifying the phenomenon of our essence over the last few millennia. The notion of “ego” was already formulated in the ancient Indian philosophy. So, in order to figure out what the sequence of human life priorities should be, it was sufficient to clarify the structure of our selfish interests, and more precisely - their hierarchy. And further in all kinds of constructions - be it speculative, theoretical, plans for something and, even more so, during their implementation - we need to take into account this objective reality. It unambiguously indicates the sequence of making any decisions (political, economical, ecological, scientific and so on) based on the importance of factors ranging from the fundamental dominance of the unspeakably significant, divine, untouchable, exceptional “Me” to another dominant in the social structure of society: me, family, work, district, region, nation, republic, country and the world community of countries.
The third factor that is necessary to determine how we can assess the maximum measure of realization of the idea of social justice that is possible for the somoshpere without the loss of motivation of economic subjects was related to the development of a method of solution that could be applied to all the problems of qualitative character, covering all spheres of human activity and going far beyond only economic relations between people. Philosophical and scientific foundations of this method were developed and have the name of the numerical method of qualitative analysis.
Now we can proceed to a reference system that would be favorable for the development of humanity in accord with nature.
An indispensable condition for the survival of humanity is its ability to adapt to objectively constantly happening changes on the planet and in the cosmos.
No ideas and actions to transform, change or subdue the nature. We ought to abandon such a course of thoughts that is suicidal for us. We will never have the energy or resources that would suffice to oppose the Universe on the Earth. If anyone ever says that, know that is a huge illusion and rambles of a madman with a sick imagination. We can only fit back into the nature as its integral part that is consistent with it but can never rise above it or even be equal to it, which would be boundless stupidity. The nature will always have enough power to put the course of actions into an order that would be natural for it, if any form of intelligence (not only that of the terrestrial origin) tries to distort or twist it significantly enough to endanger the set of laws that determines the event sequence of the Universe. The laws that channel evolution of nature will eliminate the presumptuous in its conceit form of intelligence, returning the entire Universe into a balanced state through all kinds of catastrophes of natural (fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes increasing in their scale and frequency) or technological disasters, or disasters induced by a higher form of intelligence (“God's hand”, “God's punishment”).
No revolutions, coups or social upheavals, no spontaneous accelerations.
We need to meticulously study the subject in detail and only then proceed to careful and precise actions to adapt ourselves to the changing reality.
This is the recipe for the survival of our civilization.
We still have absolutely minuscule knowledge about interconnections in nature and can not foresee the results of our crude and blunt interference into natural processes even in the near perspective, and more so in the distant future.
Human civilization as the most developed form of intelligence on the Earth at the moment spends its resources extremely ineffectively due to the excessive military costs aimed at the destruction of those who create these same resources. A paradox? Unfortunately, no. This is an effect of our essence as carriers of the planetary mind, which we weren't able to cope with, and we weren't able to develop it to a qualitatively higher level of awareness. And unlimited geographic distribution of ever-expanding business structures that are based on private capital questions not only human lives but survival of the entire biosphere of the planet, which was nurtured by the Earth for more than a billion years. But exactly our cradle will pose serious threats to us, if we don't restrain our animal nature. There is only one way: forward to the divine, the point of Omega, to holiness, enlightenment, to spirituality of more developed extraterrestrial forms of intelligence – to all that, which corresponds to your understanding of things that better than us, unfortunate souls wandering in the darkness of deep ignorance, limited by the archaic stereotypes of thinking and behavior.
The meaning of our existence is not in the mutual destruction or enslavement of others under the banner of a particular religion or teaching, but in the collective development without bloodshed that wouldn't harm the planet.
Understanding the essence of the approach to solving the problem of our future progressive and reliable development, we can formulate what we should do to move away from the point of no return, beyond which a very sad fate awaits, to which the modern humanity rushes in an in apocalyptic frenzy.
Presentation of a possible scenario for the development of events to overcome the global ideological crisis of a systemic nature is based exclusively on conclusions arising from the scientific analysis of the Universe as a totality of an unimaginably huge variety of components of the whole that complement, not oppose each other.
Further, the description of the required measures is given in the form of theses, as concise as possible, without comments, tough, peremptorily, depoliticized, denationalized and unemotionally (the basics of the socialitary state).
1. Attitude to nature:
- it is inadmissible to test and deployment of military objects in space (be it near-earth or deep space) – must be internationally accepted;
- it is necessary to create a global anti-asteroid protection with multi-layered systems of monitoring that could be used to correct trajectories of space objects or destroy them but only in the case of imminent threat to the planet – exclusively international project;
- it is necessary to prohibit privately owned operations in space at the first stage, prohibit operations of individual countries in space at the second stage (the faster the better) and transition to the development of near-earth and deep space only on the base of international projects at the third stage – must be internationally accepted;
- it is necessary to prohibit commodity-money relations related to space objects for private sectors of economies of all countries (countries must initiate acts on the loss of legal rights and cancellation of acts of sale of extraterrestrial lands and space objects that were concluded before the start of this process, ensuring recovery of investments) – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- it is necessary to prohibit full-scale mining on small planets, asteroids and comets that would lead to exceeding the interval of invariance of the object (as this can lead to changes in their trajectories and a threatening response of the solar system will endanger us. Moreover, such objects must not be put into near-earth orbit, as it is an even worse course of events, when this object that was withdrawn from circulation this way will not appear in the appointed time at a certain point in space. In this case the absence of the specific gravity mass can trigger a chain of events that could restructure the global system of gravitating objects of the solar system, which may not involve the existence of our planet or the life on it) – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- new planets and their satellites must be explored only within the framework of international projects with mapping of objects that are not occupied by alien life forms. Such mapping of space objects should involve an objective determination of its prime meridian and subsequent replication of current (for the moment of exploration of this space object) geographical distribution of states on the Earth on its surface. All further changes may only occur after corresponding changes on the mother planet Earth. These new worlds have no right to separate from it – must be internationally accepted;
- it is necessary to prohibit direct interference into the life of alien life forms – must be internationally accepted;
- it is necessary to prohibit human waste (trash) in near-earth space – must be internationally accepted;
- interference with the nature and bioresources of the Earth (region, country) must not exceed the limits of the interval of invariance of the qualitative state of that object (various quotes can apply – on catching or harvesting, extraction of marine biota, shooting and trapping of animals and insects, deforestation, migration of people, regulation of water resources, technogenic emissions and so on). This is a powerful incentive to develop and improve elements of new technological structures in the economic activity of humankind – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- phased reorientation of military-industrial complexes to exploring and developing the outer space (much more funds are necessary for that than those that are used to produce weapons that are used to exterminate humans. The returns from this type of human activity will be incomparably higher than those from adapting military technologies to civilian use. And the most important thing is that this would preserve the variety of human gene pool that could ensure sustainability of existence of human communities) – must be internationally accepted;
- it is necessary to expand protected conservation areas (taking into account the buffer [transition] zones) all over the world, so that they would be much larger than areas that are used in economic circulation. Questions of preservation of biological diversity are of vital fundamental importance for the survival of humanity itself because all natural systems are rigidly interdependent. This will become one more key factor for the transition of the entire complex of technologies to a qualitatively higher lever that would ensure our adaptability to nature without harming it – must be accepted at the national and international level;
2. International relation of people of the Earth:
- it is necessary to divide the entire planet surface into 9 regions with their own monitoring and regulatory structure for countries that comprise the planetary region – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- it is necessary to form a planetary security council consisting of representatives of planetary regions, which should be located outside of territories of economically developed countries – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- it is necessary to create a planetary economic committee responsible for a fair exchange of goods between nations of the world, which should consist of 27 of the most economically developed countries (it is approximately 85% of world GDP). Other countries should be allowed there as observers having advisory vote. The task of this committee is to identify and prevent exploitation of one nation by another one on the global scale – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- it is necessary to streamline the rule of formation of a new state on the planet by timing and phasing of its secession from the mother state(s), which means that instead of the extremely vague and politicized right of nations to self-determination it is necessary to accept a more specific, detailed and unambiguous principle of formation of nations (or its analogue) that would take into account the modern human nature (see the work “Do we have a future?”) – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- it is necessary to accept the objectivity of the never ending planetary process of ethnogenesis and thus an unshakable right to sovereignty of each individual country and nation of the world; objective criteria for recognition of an arbitrary community of people as a nation or nationality and a procedure for them to gain sovereignty should be developed – must be accepted at the national and international level;
- the world community must take actions related to climate change without delay:
a) in countries, the territories of which may partially sink into the ocean, it is necessary to carry out a number of organizational measures for advanced development of infrastructure to prevent flooding – must be accepted at the national level;
b) in countries, the territories of which are not in danger of sinking into the ocean, taking into account the will of its people, it is necessary to provide a possibility to form national autonomies with the exclusion of the right to annex lands of the donor countries and, after that, on the following stage, to establish the maximum possible international stimulus for the development of the donor country that made an unprecedented decision to provide assistance to nation(s) that is (are) threatened with possible destruction – must be accepted at the national and international level;
3. Economic activities:
- distribute areas of economic activities of state-owned and private capital structures in the following way:
a) everything that was created by nature must be available to every citizen of that country. Thus, mineral resources, land, air and airless space, water, biological and energy resources belong to everyone. Because of that, income from their extraction, use or exploitation must be distributed among all members of the society. Hence it follows that nature is the field of activity of individuals, their groups and state-owned structures that are empowered by individuals to protect and express their interests. Extraction of all resources (ore, precious metals, gems and semiprecious stones, oil, gas, marble, sand and so on) must be conducted only by states. It will eliminate predatory mining, when only the richest deposits are extracted, fertile land is destroyed and water resources are polluted or poisoned (such as shale oil production). It will also enable implementation of a comprehensive deep processing of extracted materials with preservation or complete restoration of the natural landscape. This way the state receives an instrument that can be used to influence pricing policies on all levels of the economy, as well as maximum capabilities to react to inevitably occurring crises of natural, economic, military or industrial origin – must be accepted at the national level;
b) the state-owned share must be dominant and must correspond to the law of bipolarity in the production of products of the first and second economic stages of processing [obtaining alloys from ores, cutting precious and semi-precious stones, oil cracking, gas and coal processing, energy generation, products of the metallurgical complex (rolling, drawing, forging, etc.)], as well as in infrastructural projects related to construction and operation of roads and railways, airfields, unified energy systems, pipelines and water pipelines – must be accepted at the national level;
c) the dominant share on all the following stages of economic processing and production must belong to capital owners – must be accepted at the national level;
- in order to create conditions for favorable and comfortable development of each resident of a country, it is necessary to:
a) organize a state system for monitoring the current social conditions of the life of citizens of the country that would be independent from the influence of regional or republican authorities and include the following: total collection of statistical data on the economic condition of the territory (infrastructure, production capacity, labor resources, the level of development of services, the needs of the population in goods and services), on the conditions of social environment (inter-ethnic relations, confessional structures and their spheres of influence, political situation), on the conditions of nature on the territory where the multi-functional monitoring center or its departments are located (in every village, township and city). The collected data must be freely accessible. This comprehensive data will serve as an objective basis for the development and realization of various realistic types of social development on all social levels of the country in the interests of the vast majority of people. That being said, collection of comprehensive personal data of law-abiding individuals must be strictly prohibited – must be accepted at the national level;
b) optimize the fiscal systems in relation to the levels of taxation on the basis of the law of bipolarity in order to ensure profitability of economic entities and distribution of taxes in favor of the area (region, republic) where they operate. Taxation systems must be based on direct taxes that are clear and understandable to everyone, the value-added tax should be gradually abolished – must be accepted at the national level;
c) implement a fair system of taxation in regard to capital owners that would ensure that the volume of their capitals remains in the interval of invariance of qualitative state of the economy of the respective country. This rule must also apply to the foreign capital imported into the country. This will lead to elimination of influence of private capital sector on foreign and domestic policies of the country, will not allow to deform it in favor of the interests of a capital owner or their group – must be accepted at the national and international level;
Here I will deviate from the agreed form of presentation of the material because of the vast importance of this thesis.
Which consequences of actions of “capitalists” do we know according to K. Marx and from our life experience? In order to maximize profits, they will sell, as he wrote, their own mother and sacrifice everything what they deem necessary, breaking and destroying everything that hinders the achievement of this goal.
Today the natural sexual differences between people are already abolished and the sovereignty of the countries of the world is to follow.
They will not stop at that and will move further, trying to erase all boundaries in the name of all the same notorious gain under the guise of statements about the common good and worldwide (national, universal) democracy.
Which boundaries?
State borders – using the concept of soft sovereignty, economically stronger states accomplish economical coups in economically weak states and new economic connections are imposed on their people. It is the modern way to capture foreign markets and redistribute the spheres of influence on the planet. Policies of economically stronger states become an instrument of undisguised coercion that is used to make other countries accept imposed economic policies.
National borders – making people disregard and forget their historical and cultural heritage in order to form a human herd controllable by “the golden calf” in the name and in favor of the shepherd-capitalist.
Territorial borders – expansion of businesses within the borders of a state by withdrawal of land from agricultural use or objects of the cultural heritage fund from the state protection.
Economic borders – destruction and absorption of competitors, creation of a multitude of subsidiaries to redistribute market shares in their own favor.
Gender and age – it can already be seen in the rights for minors – sexual self-identification. In its basis lies the moral abuse of children by adults that impose thoughts about sexual self-identification on the inexperienced child with a susceptible mind by their opinions and talks, which can lead to gender change. Denunciation or slander is cultivated, respect for elderly people is devalued, modern electoral law is eroded (numerous non-functional parasitic party structures are created, voter age is lowered, etc.).
The borders of nature conservation objects are endangered as well.
At the moment the world community of capitalists is in global conflict with the laws of development of nature on the fundamental level, and nature will bring them to reason or eliminate its most frenzied, bloodthirsty and misanthropic part (according to their actions, as they bribe officials, organize coups, provoke social tensions and armed conflicts in small and economically weak countries, instigate regional and even world wars to obtain a greater share of international markets or even seize them completely), wherever they are – it is impossible to hide from it, it will inevitably overtake them. It has enough power to bridle private transnational capital, be it natural disasters, social upheavals, wars, fanatics or competing intelligence agencies...
How many more human sacrifices must be made, how much more harm must be inflicted upon humanity and nature to finally make every possible effort and curb the predatory essence of the capitalist that is unwilling to understand and accept? For a start, the international capitalistic octopus must draw its tentacles back into the borders of its respective states... Do you think that it will do that by itself? Certainly not! Unlikely...
It can happen only if every one of us changes, as we feed it and give it strength and power, fill it with life force, give it our own strengths, abilities and lives. The step that must be taken is described in the thesis mentioned above. Are you ready for that?
d) ensure the economic security of states on the basis of the law of bipolarity through optimization of the structure of their economies (determine the number of large, medium and small business entities by industry and their market share), the share of foreign capital in the economy and their export volumes (this will significantly lower the negative effects of world crises on the state of the economies and wealth of their citizens) – must be accepted at the national and international level;
e) determine and implement necessary conditions to eliminate business activities that are toxic for the health of people and the condition of the biosphere, that use technologies that pollute the biosphere, toxic substances for soil and plants cultivation, various toxic additives, fillers, improvers, dietary supplements, substitutes, genetic engineering products, dyes, moisture retainers, etc. to reduce the cost of production and maximize profits – must be accepted at the national and international level;
f) create conditions for social development in the direction of non-partisan political structure that would transform electoral systems and power structures on the basis of professional unions, movement and social groups united by common interests (hereinafter, of course, such interests exclude misanthropic belief systems of a religious, occult, philosophical or political nature) – must be accepted at the national level;
g) develop a state charter of working people, which must envisage fair distribution of surplus value (based on the law of bipolarity) gained as a result of exchange of goods, between capital owners and hired workers, between the state and its citizens. This is a fundamental condition for plethoric development of the entire economic structure of the society. This will also ensure more balanced and fair distribution of produced benefits with their further use and reinvestment into the economic system of the country at the discretion of each individual that already is or, based on such a decision, becomes a capital owner. Such approach provides the main the path to developing a highly sustainable economy – must be accepted at the national level;
h) develop educational, scientific, research and sports infrastructure for the society that would let each individual progress in conditions where the industrial and service sector will become more and more robotized – must be accepted at the national level;
i) in order to ensure conditions for peaceful and full-fledged development of each individual, it is necessary to develop and maintain law-enforcement, rescue and medical infrastructure on the appropriate level – must be accepted at the national level;
j) gradually refocus military industry towards research and development of the outer space, hydrosphere and lithosphere of the Earth (only in cooperation with all countries of the world community) profits – must be accepted at the national and international level;
k) adapt the legislative activity to the human nature, taking into account and analyzing the ways in which the modern human can take real actions to avoid punishment and responsibility or slander the others.
Instead of jury trials and lawyers a new structure of independent investigation should be formed on the basis of private detective agencies. They must be responsible for the protection of the accused or, if necessary, suppress activities of the protected individuals with the establishment of their punishment. The state initiates funding of such independent investigative agency at the moment when a criminal case is initiated by the state. Defendant's side should also be able to contribute its share of funds because the state most likely will not be able to fully cover all necessary and unforeseen expenses of detective agencies – must be accepted at the national level;
l) the age when people receive the right to vote must be equal to the age of majority, which must be 27-31 years for the modern people. There should not be any upper limit (except for the mental health conditions of elderly individuals) because any such restriction would break an already fragile principle of continuity of generations – must be accepted at the national level;
4. Upbringing and education:
- spread an ideology successive to the experience and knowledge of previous generations of the entire humanity that must focused on the beneficial development of each state in accordance with a peaceful development of other countries and nations of the world, as well as on the adaptation of the humanity to the constantly happening changes in the environment. The latter provision is achievable on the basis on new ethical imperatives that correspond to the modern dictates of time and form a new ethical teaching: do not destroy; respect everyone and be independent in understanding of the world (see the work “Do we have a future?”) – must be accepted at the national level;
- ensure the inviolability of the family (both complete and incomplete ones equally) as the pristine (“given by the God”), natural and basic structure of the society born as a voluntary union of a woman and a man that excludes the possibility of degeneration of humanity – must be accepted at the national level;
- create all conditions for full-fledged development of family relations, growth of its welfare and number of children (first of all, it means workplaces, optimal housing, preschool and educational infrastructure) – must be accepted at the national level;
- ensure the absolute dominance of the state in preschool and school institutions, specialized schools and higher education institutions – must be accepted at the national level;
- create fair conditions for the development of all racial, ethnic and national population groups – must be accepted at the national level;
- ensure the development and teaching of history based on objective facts of the historical development of the country and scientific analysis without any political or some other kind of interpretation in favor of a “ruler”, “political elite”, “party” or “nation” – must be accepted at the national level;
- ensure the saturation of training programs with scientific knowledge of the humanity that was obtained over its millennia-long history without any restrictions of ideological or political nature for all disciplines to let pupils understand the basics of the subject being taught, regardless of the characteristics of their perception (right-brain or left-brain thinking) – must be accepted at the national level;
It is clear that some elements of the above measures are accepted, being worked out or, a majority of them, have never been formulated in terms of setting a problem in relation to the modern development of humanity. It is also clear that it is impossible to realize all the mentioned measures in a short time. Each of the points on the transition from the existing forms of government to the socialitary structure of social relations requires an appropriate amount of time - from several years and decades to hundreds or even thousands of years. But it is necessary to start moving in this direction now, in order to avoid undesirable consequences of the currently existing development trend of the humanity.
You have probably noticed that everything mentioned above is primarily focused on changing the way people think, the type of thinking in all countries of the world, on the entire planet.
How can we not remember the Socratic dictum: learn yourself. The world changes, if we change. Because of that, in order to change our lives and, consequently, the world, people need to choose a direction, in which they want the world to change. It is time to make a choice for ourselves, as transformation of the entire world around us begins with it.
The choice is always ours.
It is vital for us to live in unity and accord not only with others but also with our planet and the surrounding space. There is no other option. Otherwise, as it already happened to life forms on our planet, the natural forces will sweep away the foolish creatures from the face of the Earth. We can escape this fate, no matter our race, skin color and eye shape, nationality, faith and social standing, as we all share the same vital interests and enduring values.
Having accepted that, you will let your soul open the path for creating and maintaining the good in the world.
Help others, without conditions and obligations, without regrets, if you have an opportunity and emotional impulse. This benevolent impulse of kindness will go further and endure, helping others make similar action, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, without compulsion but by example of unparalleled action of a soul that shook off the shackles of its own egoism and awakened to improve and progress.
It is very hard to begin doing so but becomes easy and comfortable, when such actions become a natural necessity for you. They bring flashes of pleasant warm and bright feelings and moments into the life that will warm the soul in the cold cosmos of loneliness, fill the life with purpose and give the need to live on no matter what. The main obstacle on this path is that the others may exploit your kindness and take advantage of it. It is very unpleasant, painful to understand this fact, it brings confusion to the soul.
The way out of this situation is very simple: don't let yourself become embittered and withdrawn. Such occurrences clarify relationships, as people are people and there is neither need nor possibility to wait for gratitude for our actions. The good deeds occur to change the world for the better and, as released birds, fly where they want, where there is need for it. Then listen carefully to your feelings, to your soul, as the good deeds must flow only from the heart, not under pressure or by the will of others.
Help others and forget about it, don't wait for a response. The one you helped will, perhaps, help someone else in his time, when another person gets into trouble, and so on... until the end of time the waves of sympathy, empathy, compassion and real help will flow and spread across the planet.
In this case we will become invincible and undefeatable, contributing to the evolution of the life in the Universe to the best of our knowledge and strengths.
May-September 2020